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Mastering Order Tracking: The Key to Boosting E-Commerce Sales


Are you an e-commerce business looking to boost your sales? If so, order tracking is a great place to start. Ecommerce order tracking is the practice of monitoring orders from the moment they’re placed until they reach their destination—the customer’s front door. It’s a crucial part of an effective and efficient fulfillment process, and it can help you build customer trust, increase repeat orders, and reduce returns.

This guide will discuss the importance of order tracking and how it can benefit your e-commerce business. We’ll explore key features to look for in an order-tracking system, as well as steps you can take to implement and optimize order-tracking for maximum success.

Provide Accurate Order Tracking Information

Customer Satisfaction

Accurate order tracking information is critical for customer satisfaction in ecommerce because it provides transparency and reassurance to customers about the status of their orders. When customers make an online purchase, they want to know when their order will arrive, and being able to track their shipment provides them with peace of mind and a sense of control over the delivery process. Only accurate or timely order tracking information can cause frustration and uncertainty for customers, leading to a negative customer experience.

Provide Accurate Order Tracking Information

Customers expect to receive timely and reliable information about the status of their orders, including shipping and delivery dates, tracking numbers, and any updates or delays. If this information is accurate and complete, customers may gain trust in the ecommerce business and may be more likely to make future purchases. This can lead to negative reviews, lost sales, and damage to the company’s reputation.

In contrast, providing accurate order tracking information can improve customer satisfaction and build loyalty. Customers who can track their orders easily and receive regular updates are more likely to feel confident in their purchase and are more likely to have a positive experience. Additionally, order tracking can provide opportunities for ecommerce businesses to engage with customers and offer personalized recommendations or promotions.

Ensuring Accurate Order Tracking Information

Ensuring Accurate Order Tracking Information

Here are some tips for ensuring accurate order tracking information:

Reliable Shipping Partners

  • Choose a reputable shipping partner with a reliable track record for timely and accurate deliveries
  • Research shipping partners carefully and read reviews to ensure they have a good reputation for accuracy and reliability

Detailed Tracking Information

  • Provide customers with a unique tracking number for each order.
  • Include detailed information about the order’s status, including the shipping carrier, estimated delivery date, and any updates or delays.

Regular Tracking Updates

  • Send automated tracking updates to customers via email or text to inform them of their order status.
  • Provide regular updates, such as when the order is shipped, when it arrives at the shipping facility, and when it is out for delivery.

Tracking Page on Your Website

  • Create a dedicated tracking page on your website where customers can easily track their orders.
  • Ensure the tracking page is easy to navigate and includes all relevant tracking information, such as shipping carrier, tracking number, and estimated delivery date.

Customer Feedback to Improve Tracking

  • Encourage customers to provide feedback on the tracking process, including any issues or areas for improvement.
  • Use customer feedback to identify recurring issues or concerns and make necessary improvements to the tracking process.

Plan in Place for Unexpected Delays

  • Plan for unexpected delays, such as inclement weather or shipping carrier issues.
  • Provide regular updates to customers about delays and offer compensation or other incentives to mitigate any negative impact on customer satisfaction.

Leverage Ecommerce Order Tracking as a Marketing Tool

Leverage Ecommerce Order Tracking as a Marketing Tool

Tracking As A Marketing Tool

Order tracking can be a powerful marketing tool to boost ecommerce sales by providing opportunities to engage with customers and offer personalized recommendations or promotions. Here are some ways ecommerce businesses can use order tracking as a marketing tool:

Offer Discounts 

  • During the tracking process, businesses can offer customers discounts or upsell related products to increase the average order value.
  • For example, a customer who has ordered a pair of shoes might be offered a discount on a matching handbag or accessory during the tracking process.

Targeted Marketing Emails

  • Use the order tracking process to gather data on customer preferences and purchase history
  • Send targeted marketing emails based on this data to offer personalized recommendations and promotions

Social Media to Engage Customers

Order Tracking Data to Identify Trends

  • Monitor and analyze order tracking data to identify trends in customer behavior and adjust marketing strategies accordingly.
  • For example, suppose the data shows that a particular product is frequently ordered during a specific time of year. In that case, businesses can adjust their marketing efforts to target customers during that period.

Loyalty Program

  • Use the order tracking process to encourage customers to join a loyalty program
  • Offer rewards and incentives for repeat purchases or for sharing the business with others

Companies That Have Successfully Used Order Tracking

Companies That Have Successfully Used Order Tracking

Sure, here are a few examples of how companies have successfully used order tracking as a marketing tool:

1. Amazon

Amazon is a great example of a company that uses order tracking as a marketing tool to drive sales. During the tracking process, Amazon offers customers recommendations for related products and promotions on these products. For example, if a customer orders a laptop, Amazon might offer a discount on laptop accessories, such as a case or a mouse.

2. Birchbox

Birchbox, a subscription-based beauty box company, uses order tracking to offer customers personalized recommendations based on their beauty profile and purchase history. Customers can track their shipments and receive emails with additional product recommendations tailored to their preferences.

3. Bonobos

Bonobos, a men’s clothing retailer, uses order tracking to upsell related products to customers during the tracking process. For example, if a customer orders a shirt, Bonobos might offer a discount on a matching tie or pants that complement the shirt.

4. Shopiroller

Shopiroller, an eCommerce analytics platform, uses ecommerce order tracking to identify trends in customer behavior and adjust marketing strategies accordingly. For example, Shopiroller can use order tracking data to identify which products are frequently ordered during certain times of the year and tailor promotional campaigns around those products.

Order Tracking to Reduce Customer Service Inquiries

Customer Service Inquiries

Order tracking can reduce the number of customer service inquiries by providing customers with real-time information on the status of their orders. When customers have access to this information, they are less likely to reach out to customer service for updates, reducing the workload for customer service representatives. Here are a few ways order tracking can reduce the number of customer service inquiries:

Order Tracking to Reduce Customer Service Inquiries

Real-Time Order Status Updates

Order tracking provides customers with real-time updates on the status of their orders, such as when their orders have been shipped, are in transit, or have been delivered. By providing customers with this information, businesses can reduce the number of inquiries from customers seeking updates on their orders’ status.


Order tracking increases transparency and gives customers more control over their orders. When customers can track their orders, they better understand when to expect their packages and can plan accordingly. This can reduce the number of inquiries from customers concerned about their orders’ status.

Customer Experience

Order tracking improves the customer experience by providing customers with convenient access to information on the status of their orders. When customers are satisfied with their order tracking experience, they are less likely to reach out to customer service with questions or concerns.

Offers Self-Service Options

Order tracking offers customers self-service options that can reduce the need for customer service inquiries. Customers can check the status of their orders and view tracking information without contacting customer service. This can free up customer service representatives to handle more complex inquiries.

Ensuring That Customers Can Easily Track Their Orders

Ensuring That Customers Can Easily Track Their Orders

Here are some tips for ensuring that customers can easily track their orders:

Send Tracking Information Via Email

Sending tracking information via email is a simple and effective way to keep customers informed about their orders. When customers receive an email with tracking information, they can click on the tracking link to view the status of their orders. It’s important to ensure that the email is clear and easy to understand and includes instructions on how to track the order.

Provide a Dedicated Tracking Page 

Providing a dedicated tracking page on your website allows customers to easily track their orders without navigating through your site to find the information they need. This page should be easy to find and easy to use and should display the tracking information for each order. It’s important to ensure the tracking page is updated in real-time so customers can see the most up-to-date information about their orders.

Use SMS or Mobile App 

SMS or mobile app notifications are a great way to keep customers informed about their orders. When customers receive notifications on their phones, they can quickly check the status of their orders without having to log into their accounts or navigate through a website. It’s important to make sure that the notifications are clear and easy to understand and include instructions on tracking the order.

Provide a Tracking Number and Carrier Information

It is essential for customers to track their orders by providing a tracking number and carrier information. This information should be included in the order confirmation email, the order details page, and the dedicated tracking page. It’s important to ensure that the tracking number is accurate and that the carrier information is clear and easy to understand.

Offer Support 

Offering support for order tracking is important for customers with questions or concerns about their orders. This support should be easily accessible and should be available through multiple channels, such as email, phone, or live chat. It’s important to make sure that the support team is knowledgeable and responsive and that they can quickly address any issues that customers may have.

Monitor and Analyze Order Tracking Data

Monitoring And Analyzing Order-Tracking Data

Monitoring and analyzing order tracking data is essential for any e-commerce business looking to improve its order fulfillment process and boost customer satisfaction. Here are some reasons why:

Monitor and Analyze Order Tracking Data

Identifying Bottlenecks

Monitoring order tracking data can help businesses identify bottlenecks in the fulfillment process that may be slowing down delivery times or causing other issues. By analyzing the data, businesses can identify areas for improvement and take steps to streamline their fulfillment process, reducing the likelihood of delays and other issues.

Improving Inventory Management

It can also provide valuable insights into inventory management. By analyzing the data, businesses can identify patterns in order volumes and adjust their inventory levels accordingly. This can help businesses avoid stockouts and overstocking, ensuring they have the right products to meet customer demand.

Optimizing Shipping and Delivery

It helps in businesses optimize their shipping and delivery processes. By monitoring delivery times and tracking information, businesses can identify areas for improvement and take steps to speed up delivery times, reduce shipping costs, and improve overall customer satisfaction.

Enhancing Customer Service

By monitoring tracking information and identifying issues that customers may be experiencing, businesses can proactively reach out to customers to address any issues and provide timely updates on their orders. This can help improve customer satisfaction and reduce the likelihood of negative reviews or feedback.

Making Data-Driven Decisions

Finally, monitoring and analyzing order tracking data allows businesses to make data-driven decisions about their operations. By tracking key metrics and analyzing trends over time, businesses can identify areas for improvement, set performance benchmarks, and make informed decisions about allocating resources and investing in their operations.

Examples Of Insights Can Be Gained From Analyzing Order-Tracking Data

Sure, here are some examples of the insights that can be gained from analyzing order tracking data:

  • Identifying Trends in Customer Behavior: Order tracking data can provide insights into trends in customer behavior, such as the products customers are ordering, the frequency of their orders, and the time of day they are placing them. By analyzing this data, businesses can identify patterns in customer behavior and adjust their operations accordingly, such as by stocking more of certain products or adjusting their staffing schedules to accommodate peak order times.
  • Identifying Potential Areas for Improvement in the Shipping Process: Order tracking data can also help businesses identify potential areas for improvement in their shipping process, such as common reasons for delivery delays or errors or the most popular shipping methods among customers. By analyzing this data, businesses can identify potential areas for improvement, such as optimizing their shipping routes, selecting faster or more reliable carriers, or improving their packaging and handling processes.
  • Assessing the Effectiveness of Promotions and Marketing Campaigns: Order tracking data can also help businesses assess the effectiveness of their promotions and marketing campaigns. By analyzing the data, businesses can identify how many orders were placed during a promotion or campaign, which products were most popular, and the overall impact on their revenue and customer acquisition. This can help businesses optimize their future campaigns and promotions to target their customers better and achieve their business goals.
  • Improving Inventory Management: Order tracking data can also provide insights into inventory management. By analyzing the data, businesses can identify which products are most popular and adjust their inventory levels accordingly. They can also identify which products may be underperforming and decide whether to discontinue or discount them to clear out inventory and make room for new products.


Q: What Insights Can Be Gained From Analyzing Order Tracking Data?

A: Insights gained from analyzing order tracking data include identifying trends in customer behavior, identifying potential areas for improvement in the shipping process, assessing the effectiveness of promotions and marketing campaigns, and improving inventory management.

Q: How Can Businesses Use Order Tracking Data To Optimize Their Operations?

A: By analyzing order tracking data, businesses can identify potential areas for improvement in their operations, such as optimizing shipping routes, selecting faster and more reliable carriers, improving packaging and handling processes, targeting customers with promotions and marketing campaigns, and adjusting inventory levels accordingly.

Q: How Can A Shopiroller Help Businesses Track Their Orders?

A: Shopiroller provides an easy-to-use platform that allows businesses to track, monitor, and analyze their order tracking data. The platform also provides insights into customer behavior, shipping processes, inventory management, and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns to optimize operations.

Q: What Are The Advantages Of Using A Shopiroller To Track Orders?

A: The advantages of the Shopiroller include easy setup, real-time order updates, customizable dashboards, comprehensive reports, and integration with other platforms. The platform provides insights into customer behavior, shipping processes, inventory management, and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns to optimize operations.

Q: What Is The Benefit Of Using Data-Driven Decision-Making?

A: Data-driven decision-making is a powerful tool that allows businesses to make decisions based on facts instead of assumptions. By analyzing order tracking data, businesses can identify potential areas for improvement and make informed decisions to optimize their operations. This can help businesses better target their customers, increase customer acquisition, reduce costs, and maximize the effectiveness of promotions and marketing campaigns.

Q: What Should I Do If I Need Help Understanding My Order Tracking Data?

A: Shopiroller provides comprehensive customer support to help you understand your order tracking data. The platform also offers tutorials, webinars, and other resources to help you make the most of your data. If you need further assistance, contact our customer support team, who are available 24/7 to answer any questions or queries.


Ecommerce order tracking data can provide valuable insights into customer behavior, shipping processes, inventory management, and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. By analyzing this data, businesses can identify potential areas for improvement in their operations and make informed decisions to optimize their business. As such, monitoring and analyzing order tracking data is an important part of operating a successful business. Sign up with Shopiroller and start tracking your orders today!

Creating an online store with Shopiroller